Komoda & Amiga plus
Commodore computers users’ magazine


These articles were published in issues 1-5 of Komoda&Amiga Plus.

Greetings, digital explorer! Embark on a pixelated journey inspired by Tony Halik, the real-life Polish explorer and filmmaker whose adventures spanned continents …

Greetings, digital explorer! Embark on a pixelated journey inspired by Tony Halik, the real-life Polish explorer and filmmaker whose adventures spanned continents …

This release contains two games developed by Windigo Productions for the C64/128. Both titles belong to the same genre of turn-based economic …

Nothing can compare to the smell of gasoline and burning tires. And the roar of engines. And best of all, it’s all …

Disaster has struck and miners are trapped deep underground. But you are a one man Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation! Equipped with a …

Party Speedway Extended is a fast-paced multiplayer top-down racing game. It is reminiscent of a speedway race, where drivers race for the …

Dungeon Master is a legendary game that brought role playing games to a new level and defined “dungeon crawler” games genre. Come …

The start of the holiday season on the Amiga scene was heralded by a fresh arcade puzzler! The game was developed for …

Creating games for the Amiga market, for both lines – classical and contemporary goes several tracks. One of the most common forms …

„King Bruce Lee, the Master of Karate“ – this was once sung in a distinguished, low voice by Piotr Fronczewski, under a …

When something torments you and the HUD shows zero, Remove bad thoughts out of your head, otherwise you won’t feel like a …

Do you feel like jumping in this, at the first glance, in this undemanding but engaging new production? So take you joysticks …

K&A Plus is published by:
K&A Arkadiusz Kosiarski
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ul. Felińskiego 23/1A
41-923 Bytom, POLAND