Komoda & Amiga plus
Commodore computers users’ magazine


These articles were published in issues 1-5 of Komoda&Amiga Plus.

“It all depends on which side of the fence you are standing” („Punktwidzeniazależyodpunktusiedzenia”: lit. “Your point of view depends on where you …

Long, long time ago the ultimate goal of gaming was a highscore record. The games has no achieavable end. Earning an awesome …

Outer space, weird creatures, astronauts… doesn’t it sound like one of those cheesy, star game, that can be counted in millions? It …

Some time ago one of the well-known computer magazines, in a review of Bloodrayne, wrote that you cannot fall in love with …

Game opponents often use the argument that games don’t help you develop, that they do not bring anything new to your life. …

I have spent some time with ”Dungeon Crawl”, but after that I can not agree with the beforementioned statement. It is not …

This article was published in issue 1 of Komoda & Amiga Plus. There are things in life, that does not change over …

This article was published in issue 1 of Komoda & Amiga Plus. Seuck, even though it was supposed to be the environment …

This article was published in issue 1 of Komoda & Amiga Plus. I tend to divide currently released 8-bit titles into 3 …

This article was published in issue 1 of Komoda & Amiga Plus. I think that there is no C64 user that has …

This article was published in issue 1 of Komoda & Amiga Plus. “C64 16KB Cartridge Game Development Competition”, organized yearly, presents always …

This article was published in issue 1 of Komoda & Amiga Plus. The Game Alter Ego is the result of the work …

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K&A Arkadiusz Kosiarski
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41-923 Bytom, POLAND