
Reach hundreds of Commodore fans in Poland and elsewhere with an ad in K&A Plus! A full page ad costs 50€ while a half page ad costs... well, exactly the half. Simple, isn't it? The price includes both the Polish and English editions. If you run a non profit project or event, we may give you some space for free - or trade it for an free ticket. We're always up for partying.

Think you got what it takes to join our editorial team? Got a pet subject you know more about than anyone else on the planet? Drop us a message in our mailbox and we may give you a chance to see your work in print. But if creative writing is not your thing, we are always in need of proofreaders and translators between English and Polish so if you can speak either language (which we imagine you do since you are reading this) write to us anyway!

We are looking for shops for distributing our magazine worldwide. We take care of everything - all you have to do is list our magazine in your store and reap the benefits! Currently our distributors are: Protovision (Germany).