Dork Dave and the Dirty Trick When something torments you and the HUD shows zero, Remove bad thoughts out of your head, otherwise you won’t feel like a hero. There are,
Jump Ninja Do you feel like jumping in this, at the first glance, in this undemanding but engaging new production? So take you joysticks and let’s play!
JAGUAR XJ220 “It all depends on which side of the fence you are standing” („Punktwidzeniazależyodpunktusiedzenia”: lit. “Your point of view depends on where you sit”). When I
Wizard of Wor Long, long time ago the ultimate goal of gaming was a highscore record. The games has no achieavable end. Earning an awesome amount of points
Destruct Outer space, weird creatures, astronauts… doesn’t it sound like one of those cheesy, star game, that can be counted in millions? It does. Yet, in
Castle Wolfenstein Some time ago one of the well-known computer magazines, in a review of Bloodrayne, wrote that you cannot fall in love with a sexy vampire
Puzznic Game opponents often use the argument that games don’t help you develop, that they do not bring anything new to your life. In case of
Dungeon Crawl I have spent some time with ”Dungeon Crawl”, but after that I can not agree with the beforementioned statement. It is not a bad game,
Sam’s Journey This article was published in issue 10 of Komoda & Amiga Plus. Saturday, January 20Dear Diary, it’s been two months since I’ve got you. I