Komoda & Amiga Plus
The Commodore computer users magazine


K&A Plus #9 EN

Printed Edition
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Product Details

Autumn / Winter 2017

A4 / 81 pages / glossy paper

GAME REVIEWS: Lumberjack, Folio, Bertie the Ball, Power Sisters, Galencia, Rescuing Orc and more

COLUMNS: Sid Hero, Last Memories of Lucas Arts, There was once a swapper and more

INTERVIEWS: David Pleasance, Roman Werner, Gaetano Chiummo

Click here for a full index of this issue

Includes digital editions of both the magazine and the coverdisk

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K&A Plus #9 EN

K&A Plus is published by:
K&A Arkadiusz Kosiarski
NIP PL6262591695
ul. Felińskiego 23/1A
41-923 Bytom, POLAND