Komoda & Amiga plus
Commodore computers users’ magazine

CoverCD #13

Amiga CoverCD
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Disk #13


Amiga CoverCD is a collection of games, utilities, graphics, demos and other apps released on a customly prepared compact disc as a CoverCD distributed with the K&A+ magazine.

FULL APPS: RNOpdf, Anim Player, Eagle Player

FULL, FREEWARE, PD: Barbarian Plus, Celtic Heart, Crazy Priets, Kobo Deluxe, Max Knight, Sqrxz1-4, Trap Runner, Tetris Pro, Total Pattern.

DEMO, SHAREWARE, BETA: Bridge Strike, ReshootR, RygarAGA, Higway Sprint

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K&A Plus is published by:
K&A Arkadiusz Kosiarski
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ul. Felińskiego 23/1A
41-923 Bytom, POLAND