Game opponents often use the argument that games don’t help you develop, that they do not bring anything new to your life. In case of ”Puzznic” this argument is completely invalid. After playing this logical-arcade game, it is hard not to feel the power of your mind growing.
First, a couple of technical and historical matters to settle. The game was created in 1989. At first, it was meant only for users of Nintendo consoles but its versions for different platforms (such as Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, Game Boy and C64) were quickly developed. It achieved unquestionable success, the proof of which is its 34th position in the ”Amiga Power” ranking of the best games of all time.
Unaware of its position in the world of entertainment, I launched ”Puzznic” from one of the floppy discs from my collection which had a label telling it was supposed to contain a completely different game. I quickly fell in love with the game and I have been playing it over and over again since then. It would be a shame if I didn’t write a couple of paragraphs about it. At first, the game seems easy, especially at initial levels.

What difficult can there be in moving some blocks around according to rules of physics and matching them together into pairs? The rules of the game can be summarized in one sentence and don’t seem complicated. Blocks matched into pairs or threes disappear and when all of them do, the level is cleared.
Let us not be fooled by what is on the surface. Our fundamental enemies here are time and hasty decisions. The less time there is left, the less points we will get. The higher the level, the less time we have. And the number of blocks doesn’t decrease with each level… it grows! The problems start already from the third level. Moving segments, complicated arrangement of the blocks – it’s easy to make a mistake, therefore to be successful, you have to think hard! Even though I have said only a little about the game, everything will become clear as you start playing it. Sometimes, to say enough doesn’t necessarily means to say a lot and no words can replace the fun a game can give and describe how fast the time flows when you enjoy ”Puzznic”. Worth it!